A perfect epilogue

[I have been thinking for sometime how to end a book perfectly. How should a perfect epilogue be like? Like the calm after a storm, or completely forgetful of all the action in the story? Or should it be ending happily to leave a pleasant aftertaste?
Should it necessarily be an “Ah! What a story” kind of ending or should it vary with each book? Here’s what I’d have written as an epilogue if I’d ever write a book!
It is far from perfect, and just my own opinion of a Universal last chapter to end a good book. Its also a break from the melancholia of poetry that has been choking my blog lately, So please leave a comment if you really like it! 🙂 ]


Then one day, it snowed.

Firstly in little flakes, like tiny stars falling all around me, and then it snowed heavily. Like a howling wolf, the wind blew into me with the snowflakes  as its sword.
I adjusted my spectacles, and looked all around me, at the fragments of winter  floating all around me.

“Its snowing like it is the end of the world.” She whispered from behind.
I stared at the sky. A scratch of blue in the midst of a calm violet stretch said that spring wasn’t much far behind. What do they call this feeling again? Saudade? A sadness without a definition?
A melancholy, longing?
Longing for?

Maybe. Maybe I always overthink. But something told me I wasn’t.
I stared at the soft flakes, without a care for the world, as if the whole phenomena of existence proved to be meaningless to me, and all I had left in the world at that instant, was the endless snow falling all around and the warmth of her hands in mine.
“I wonder what I am going to do without you”
“I wonder what would have happened to me, had you not found me.”
“Maybe the stars wouldn’t have sung the moon song.”
“Maybe the cherry blossoms wouldn’t have floated all around us.”
“Maybe we would have missed our chance-“
“Shh.  Just enjoy the moment idiot.”

I smiled and obeyed.
The kind of silence you only get in sleep. A perfect sleep, ah that’s a long lost necessity. How long has it been since I slept peacefully? How long has it been since I’d seen a rainbow?
As the thoughts fell all around me in a motley of colors, I let go of all of them.
I looked up at the sky and smiled.

It just snowed.



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  1. a lucid dream 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very beautifully penned.
    I have nominated you for the Libester. You can check my blog for further details.
    Have a nice time ahead

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